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system_size [2009/08/17 13:40] webysystem_size [2016/01/11 02:58] (current) weby
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 Not all systems can be different sized. Note that the SM of subsystems does not indicate the SM of the system, instead it indicates the size of the craft where that system is “normal sized” and thus 1/20 of the ship mass. Not all systems can be different sized. Note that the SM of subsystems does not indicate the SM of the system, instead it indicates the size of the craft where that system is “normal sized” and thus 1/20 of the ship mass.
 +Note: A similar, but more restricted system has since been published in Space ships 7.
 ===== Smaller systems ===== ===== Smaller systems =====
-You can fit 3 modules of one less SM, or 10 modules of 2 less SM into the space of one module. You could really mount even smaller systems at the same progression, but the design tends to get messy that way, so it is good normally to limit the systems to minimum of -2 SM from normal.+You can fit 3 modules of one less SM, or 10 modules of 2 less SM into the space of one module. You could really mount even smaller systems at the same progression, but the design tends to get messy that way, so it is good normally to limit the systems to minimum of -2 SM from normal.  
 +Anyone ignoring the above suggested limits: you can fit 30 modules of -3 SM, 100 modules of -4 SM, 300 modules of -5 SM, 1000 modules of -6 SM and so on. 
 +It also makes sense that you could mount any suitable RM 6 ship module as habitat module as each such space is 5 tons too.
 Each such subsystems has the characteristics of the system of one less SM, except what is noted below. Not all subsystems can be installed in smaller than normal size. Each such subsystems has the characteristics of the system of one less SM, except what is noted below. Not all subsystems can be installed in smaller than normal size.
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 If the system is a high energy system a +1SM system uses 3 power points and a +2SM system 10 power points. Cosmic power systems use same 3 and 10 cosmic power points. If the system is a high energy system a +1SM system uses 3 power points and a +2SM system 10 power points. Cosmic power systems use same 3 and 10 cosmic power points.
 =====Assigning/Displaying submodules===== =====Assigning/Displaying submodules=====
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 A -1 SM armor system protects 1/3 the full armor system for right SM, round down.\\ A -1 SM armor system protects 1/3 the full armor system for right SM, round down.\\
 A -2 SM armor system protects 1/10 the full armor system for right SM, round down.\\ A -2 SM armor system protects 1/10 the full armor system for right SM, round down.\\
 +for even less protection if you want smaller tham -2 SM systems:\\
 +A -3 SM armor system protects 1/30 the full armor system for right SM, round down.\\
 +A -4 SM armor system protects 1/100 the full armor system for right SM, round down.\\
 +and so on
 Example: unstreamlined SM 10 ship would have following effect from smaller light alloy armor([[ss]]:11).  \\ Example: unstreamlined SM 10 ship would have following effect from smaller light alloy armor([[ss]]:11).  \\
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 ===== Cargo holds ===== ===== Cargo holds =====
-([[ss]]:13) Smaller cargo holds are fully possible, use the capacity of the smaller SM hold. All the options are also possible.  Larger Cargo holds are not used, instead add several systems.+([[ss]]:13) Smaller cargo holds are fully possible, use the capacity of the smaller SM hold. All the options are also possible.  Larger Cargo holds are not used, instead add several systems. But if you have 3 cargo systems adjacent to each other they can be counted as +1 SM for size of door, and 10 systems for +2 SM.
 ===== Cloaking Device ===== ===== Cloaking Device =====
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 ===== Control Room ===== ===== Control Room =====
-([[ss]]:14) Cannot be installed in wrong size.+([[ss]]:14) Cannot be installed in larger size. Though you can install seating and add +$50k each to turn it to a control station if you need more control stations.  
 +You can install a one step smaller system if your ship is simple: Maximum of six modules total of: drives,power plants,factories, cloaking devices,ecm,force screens,contragrav lifters, weapon systems, mining refinery. 
 +If your ship is very simple(maximally 2 such modules) you can use -2 SM control. 
 +Note that at sm -1 you get -1 to control rolls and at sm -2 you get -2.  These penalties also count if you use a smaller ship as tug or upper stage to control a larger load.
 ===== Defensive ECM ===== ===== Defensive ECM =====
-([[ss]]:14) Defensive ECM cannot be installed in wrong size.+([[ss]]:14) Defensive ECM cannot be installed in wrong size. Though a GM may rule that a -1 SM system will give -1 penalty and that such systems do not stack with other systems. 
 ===== Engine Room ===== ===== Engine Room =====
 ([[ss]]:15) Engine rooms cannot be installed in wrong size. ([[ss]]:15) Engine rooms cannot be installed in wrong size.
 ===== Enhanced, multipurpose, science, and tactical comm/sensor arrays ===== ===== Enhanced, multipurpose, science, and tactical comm/sensor arrays =====
 ([[ss]]:15) You can normally mount a larger or smaller sensor. They will use all the statistics of the different size sensor. Though a +2 SM sensor will likely require a very weird hull structure. Note that a -2 SM sensor has the same array level that the control room sensor has, so does not give any better capability except in case of special sensors. ([[ss]]:15) You can normally mount a larger or smaller sensor. They will use all the statistics of the different size sensor. Though a +2 SM sensor will likely require a very weird hull structure. Note that a -2 SM sensor has the same array level that the control room sensor has, so does not give any better capability except in case of special sensors.
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 ===== External clamp ===== ===== External clamp =====
 ([[ss]]:15) This system is really too massive, see [[fixes]] section. Different size external clamps use the price of that size. ([[ss]]:15) This system is really too massive, see [[fixes]] section. Different size external clamps use the price of that size.
 ===== Factory ===== ===== Factory =====
-([[ss]]:16) Different size factory modules are normally available. Use the statistics of the module of the size you want to use. Note the lower limit of SM 6 for factory module size , but see the minifac module in habitation modules for making smaller.+([[ss]]:16) Different size factory modules are normally available. Use the statistics of the module of the size you want to use. Note the lower limit of SM 6 for factory module size
 +Note: Use the SM 6 factory module instead of minifacs.
 ===== Force Screen ===== ===== Force Screen =====
 ([[ss]]:16) See [[#Armor|Armor]] for effects of different SM system. ([[ss]]:16) See [[#Armor|Armor]] for effects of different SM system.
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 ===== Fuel tank ===== ===== Fuel tank =====
 ([[ss]]:17) A fuel tank can be smaller and then will have 1/3 the delta-v of full size for -1SM and 1/10 delta-v for -2 SM tank. Note that the Delta-V increase table is only for full size tanks. Do not use larger than normal fuel tanks, instead add several fuel tank modules. Smaller fueltanks used for powerplants have less fuel 1/3 fuel for -1SM  and 1/10 fuel for -2SM, cutting the use time unless being used for smaller powerplants. ([[ss]]:17) A fuel tank can be smaller and then will have 1/3 the delta-v of full size for -1SM and 1/10 delta-v for -2 SM tank. Note that the Delta-V increase table is only for full size tanks. Do not use larger than normal fuel tanks, instead add several fuel tank modules. Smaller fueltanks used for powerplants have less fuel 1/3 fuel for -1SM  and 1/10 fuel for -2SM, cutting the use time unless being used for smaller powerplants.
 ===== Habitat ===== ===== Habitat =====
-([[ss]]:18) §+([[ss]]:18)   Smaller Habitats holds are fully possible, use the capacity of the smaller SM habitat. All the options are also possible.  Larger Habitats are not used, instead add several systems. 
 +Note that SM +7 is the smallest full size habitat.  SM +6 vehicles can use 1.5 modules for one stateroom, SM +5 can use 5 modules for one and Sm +4 can use 15 modules.
 ===== Hangar Bay ===== ===== Hangar Bay =====
 ([[ss]]:18) Spaceships allready containts rules for larger hangerbays. It is fully possible to have a smaller hangar, use all the statistics of the smaller one in such case. ([[ss]]:18) Spaceships allready containts rules for larger hangerbays. It is fully possible to have a smaller hangar, use all the statistics of the smaller one in such case.
 ===== Jet Engine ===== ===== Jet Engine =====
-([[ss]]:19)  A ship can mount smaller Jet engines than normal. For larger buy several modules. Small modules give 1/3G acceleration for -1SM module and use 1/3 fuel, and 1/10G aacceleration and fuel for -2SM module.+([[ss]]:19)  A ship can mount smaller Jet engines than normal. For larger buy several modules. Small modules give 1/3G acceleration for -1SM module and use 1/3 fuel, and 1/10G acceleration and fuel for -2SM module. 
 ===== Jump gate ===== ===== Jump gate =====
 ([[ss]]:19) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the star drives in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass or the jumpgate is external use and only sends other ships. In external jumpgates, use the capacity of the installed module. ([[ss]]:19) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the star drives in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass or the jumpgate is external use and only sends other ships. In external jumpgates, use the capacity of the installed module.
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 ===== Mining and Refinery ===== ===== Mining and Refinery =====
 ([[ss]]:19) Different size Mining and Refinery modules are normally available. Use the statistics of the module of the size you want to use. ([[ss]]:19) Different size Mining and Refinery modules are normally available. Use the statistics of the module of the size you want to use.
 ===== Open space ===== ===== Open space =====
-([[ss]]:19) §+([[ss]]:19) This can normally be any size module. 
 ===== Passenger seating ===== ===== Passenger seating =====
 ([[ss]]:20) Smaller passenger seating is fully possible, use the capacity of the smaller SM seating. Larger passenger seating are not used, instead add several systems. ([[ss]]:20) Smaller passenger seating is fully possible, use the capacity of the smaller SM seating. Larger passenger seating are not used, instead add several systems.
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 ===== Ramscoop ===== ===== Ramscoop =====
-([[ss]]:21) §+([[ss]]:21) If you install a smaller module, it only provides fuel for corresponding size engine.  For larger, just install several. 
 ===== Reaction/reactionless engines ===== ===== Reaction/reactionless engines =====
 ([[ss]]:21-24) A ship can mount smaller Reaction/reactionless engines than normal. For larger buy several modules. Small modules give 1/3 acceleration for -1SM module and use 1/3 fuel for the types that use such and 1/10 acceleration and fuel for -2SM module. ([[ss]]:21-24) A ship can mount smaller Reaction/reactionless engines than normal. For larger buy several modules. Small modules give 1/3 acceleration for -1SM module and use 1/3 fuel for the types that use such and 1/10 acceleration and fuel for -2SM module.
 ===== Reconfigurable system ===== ===== Reconfigurable system =====
-([[ss]]:24) These can equally likely be any made of size modules. For real complexity you can allow the submodules to change... +([[ss]]:24) These can equally likely be any made of size modules. For real complexity you can allow the submodules and their sizes to change... 
 ===== Soft-Landing System ===== ===== Soft-Landing System =====
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 ===== Space Sails ===== ===== Space Sails =====
 ([[ss]]:25) A ship can mount smaller Space sails than normal. For larger buy several modules, but see [[fixes]] section on the maximum numbers. Small space sails give 1/3 thrust for -1SM module and 1/10 thrust for -2SM module ([[ss]]:25) A ship can mount smaller Space sails than normal. For larger buy several modules, but see [[fixes]] section on the maximum numbers. Small space sails give 1/3 thrust for -1SM module and 1/10 thrust for -2SM module
 ===== Stardrive engine ===== ===== Stardrive engine =====
 ([[ss]]:25) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the star drives in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass. ([[ss]]:25) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the star drives in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass.
 ===== Stasis web ===== ===== Stasis web =====
 ([[ss]]:26) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the stasis webs in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass. ([[ss]]:26) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the stasis webs in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass.
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 ===== Upper stage ===== ===== Upper stage =====
 ([[ss]]:26) The only alternative upper stage that makes sense is a -2 SM upper stage that just uses the first two 2 module slots from the front section. ([[ss]]:26) The only alternative upper stage that makes sense is a -2 SM upper stage that just uses the first two 2 module slots from the front section.
-===== Weapons ===== 
 +===== Weapons =====
 +([[ss]]:26-29) Weapons already are in smaller/larger SM sizes. The spinal battery is a SM+1 weapon, Major battery is a right SM weapon, Medium 3 SM -1 weapons, Secondary battery is 10 SM -2 weapons, Tertiary is 30 SM -2 weapons.  So you can use individual weapons from above as such subsize modules.
system_size.1250541656.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/08/17 13:40 by weby

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