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new_systems [2009/08/21 19:30] – created webynew_systems [2015/05/25 11:15] (current) weby
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 In some settings some craft are very nimble compared to other craft. Such craft can buy the maneuver thruster system. Select a reaction and reactionless drive you wish to use as thruster in your setting. The drive is instead a huge number of small drives spread all around. The cost, workspaces, energy use and such are as for the normal drive.  Typically the system is built on a high thrhust/low endurance basis, but do not necessary have to have tanks as the use is so short term. You can for example assume that the system includes a 1/10 normal sized tank in the base module. Decide on the Maneuver bonus it gives and if it affects Stability rating. A typical cinematic system gives +1 HND/module, but subtracts 1/module from the stability rating. In some settings some craft are very nimble compared to other craft. Such craft can buy the maneuver thruster system. Select a reaction and reactionless drive you wish to use as thruster in your setting. The drive is instead a huge number of small drives spread all around. The cost, workspaces, energy use and such are as for the normal drive.  Typically the system is built on a high thrhust/low endurance basis, but do not necessary have to have tanks as the use is so short term. You can for example assume that the system includes a 1/10 normal sized tank in the base module. Decide on the Maneuver bonus it gives and if it affects Stability rating. A typical cinematic system gives +1 HND/module, but subtracts 1/module from the stability rating.
-===== Compartmentalisation===== +===== Compartmentalization/internal armor===== 
-(TL7)[any] +(TL7)[any] You can specify any armor module to be internal strengthening. Such module does not provide it's armor value as normal instead it has the following effects: 
-§+   * It gains +1 HT only for resisting internal explosions and for destruction. 
 +   * Apply 1/3 of the dDR each time before passing any damage on to a second system after destroying one. 
 +   * If the damage would carry on to a core system, apply the Full dDR the module would have instead of the 1/3 for carrying though damage to it. 
 +   * Anyone in a destroyed system has 2 of 6 probability to be in a compartment that was not depressurized.
 ===== Drop capsule launcher/life pod ejector ===== ===== Drop capsule launcher/life pod ejector =====
-(TL 9)[Hull]\\ +(TL 9)[Hull] They are built as vehicle bays, but each 1 ton of bay capacity is instead 1 slot for a 1 ton drop capsule or life boat. They are not limited by the launch rate of normal bays and can launch all pods in a single 20 second combat turn. However reloading such with a new pod takes 30 minutes of work for each pod.
-===== Underwater engines ===== 
-(TL 7)[Hull] 
 ===== Weather Control device ===== ===== Weather Control device =====
-(TL10)[Hull] UT79 §+(TL10)[Hull] [[UT]]79 SM +10 high energy module for 30*30 mile weather control. At tl 11, it is a SM +9 module and at TL 12 a SM +8 module. Each +1 SM is one step more on the side for area (+1=50*50, +2=100*100, +3=150*150 and so on)
 ===== Extra computer ===== ===== Extra computer =====
 +(TL7)[any] A computer module is as follows:
 +^SM          | +3 | +4 |+5|+6| +7| +8| +9 | +10|+11|+12 |+13 | +14 |+15 |
 +^Complexity  |  9 |  9 |10|10| 11| 11| 12 | 12 | 13| 13 | 14 |  14 | 15 |
 +^Price       |100k|200k|2m|1m|20m|10m|200m|100m| 2B| 1B |20B | 10B |200B|
 +^Workstations| 0  | 0  | 0| 1| 3 | 10| 30 | 100|300|1000|3000|10000|30000|
 +Complexity is for TL 10. Modify it by -6 at TL7, -4 at TL8, -2 at TL9, +1 at TL11, +2 at TL12
 +The more expensive ones for same complexity is the Compact version so it fits the smaller volume. You can use the modifiers on UT 23 to further change.
 +Seating is the maximum number of work terminals you can fit in. Each such costs $50k and provides lifesupport the the bridge stations.
 +===== Extra computer storage=====
 (TL7)[any] (TL7)[any]
 +===== High bandwidth communicator ===== 
 +(TL7)[hull] Buy as enchanted sensor module, but use the communication range of the corresponding size control room. Select communicator type. The data transfer speed when communicating with a second high bandwidth communicator is 40 000 times higher than the base system. 
 ===== Broadcast power receiver ===== ===== Broadcast power receiver =====
new_systems.1250908251.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/08/21 19:30 by weby

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