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System size

The base system assumes that each subsystem is 1/20th the total ship mass. However it is fairly easy addition to have modules of different sizes. Below are working rules for adding smaller or larger subsystems to ships.

Not all systems can be different sized. Note that the SM of subsystems does not indicate the SM of the system, instead it indicates the size of the craft where that system is “normal sized” and thus 1/20 of the ship mass.

Smaller systems

You can fit 3 modules of one less SM, or 10 modules of 2 less SM into the space of one module. You could really mount even smaller systems at the same progression, but the design tends to get messy that way, so it is good normally to limit the systems to minimum of -2 SM from normal.

Each such subsystems has the characteristics of the system of one less SM, except what is noted below. Not all subsystems can be installed in smaller than normal size.

If the system is a high energy system a -1SM system uses 1/3 power point and a -2SM system 1/10 power point. Cosmic power systems use same 1/3 and 1/10 cosmic power point.

Adding smaller systems to small ships: note the minimum sizes for many systems, for SM 4 systems see space ships 4

Larger Systems

You can mount one system of one larger SM by using 3 module slots. And a system of two larger SM by using 10 module slots. All such slots must normally be adjacent to each other, either in the same hull section or two bordering hull sections.

Many modules like armor and habitat do not need to be larger systems, instead you should just add several such systems. The main benefits come from systems that get extra capability from being larger, like sensors.

If the system is a high energy system a +1SM system uses 3 power points and a +2SM system 10 power points. Cosmic power systems use same 3 and 10 cosmic power points.

Assigning/Displaying submodules

For example the front section of a ship with both large and small modules could look like this:

  • 1: normal module 1
  • 2-4: large module. (something +1 SM)
  • 5: submodules
    • 1-2: submodule 1 (something -1 SM)
    • 3-4: submodule 2 (something -1 SM)
    • 5-6: submodule 3 (something -1 SM)
  • 6: normal module

Damaging different size modules

When hitting a ship with multiple module sizes you have two options:

Use simple damage

on hitting, roll module hit normally (ss:61) and just have all submodules disabled/destroyed as normal. For large things disabling/destroying one part disables/destroys all three

Use complex damage

roll hit module normally, but then look if it has submodules. If it does, determine submodule hit and compare the damage done to the submodule against 10% and 50% of a ship that the module is the right size for, not the ship it is installed in. For any part of a large module hit, compare the same way.

Damage example: lets assume that the ship above is hit in front and that it has 100 dHP for being SM 9. If the module hit roll is 1 or 6, use the rules on page 61 normally. If 2-4 is hit, compare the penetrating damage against 10% and 50% of 150 HP(SM 10 ship HP) for damaging module purposes. on damage/destroy, all three locations are damaged/destroyed. On hit module 5, reroll a 1d, on 1-2 hit submodule 1 and so on. Next compare the penetrating damage against 10% and 50% of 70 HP(SM 8 ship HP) for damaging module purposes. on damage/destroy, that submodule is damaged/destroyed.


(ss:11-13) A smaller armor system does not use any information from the lower SM except cost. Larger Armor systems are not used, instead add several armor systems.
A -1 SM armor system protects 1/3 the full armor system for right SM, round down.
A -2 SM armor system protects 1/10 the full armor system for right SM, round down.
Example: unstreamlined SM 10 ship would have following effect from smaller light alloy armor(ss:11).

Normal(SM 10)10$1.5m
-1 SM(SM 9)3$500k
-2 SM(SM 8)1$150k

Cargo holds

(ss:13) Smaller cargo holds are fully possible, use the capacity of the smaller SM hold. All the options are also possible. Larger Cargo holds are not used, instead add several systems.

Cloaking Device

(ss:13) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the cloaking devices in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass.

Contragravity lifter

(ss:14) Contragravity lifters may or may not be possible in smaller sizes. If they are a -1 SM lifter will negate up to 3G gravity and a -2SM lifter will negate up to 1G. Larger Contragravity lifters are not normally used, instead add several systems.

Control Room

(ss:14) Cannot be installed in wrong size.

Defensive ECM

(ss:14) Defensive ECM cannot be installed in wrong size.

Engine Room

(ss:15) Engine rooms cannot be installed in wrong size.

Enhanced, multipurpose, science, and tactical comm/sensor arrays

(ss:15) You can normally mount a larger or smaller sensor. They will use all the statistics of the different size sensor. Though a +2 SM sensor will likely require a very weird hull structure. Note that a -2 SM sensor has the same array level that the control room sensor has, so does not give any better capability except in case of special sensors.

External clamp

(ss:15) This system is really too massive, see fixes section. Different size external clamps use the price of that size.


(ss:16) Different size factory modules are normally available. Use the statistics of the module of the size you want to use. Note the lower limit of SM 6 for factory module size , but see the minifac module in habitation modules for making smaller.

Force Screen

(ss:16) See Armor for effects of different SM system.

Fuel tank

(ss:17) A fuel tank can be smaller and then will have 1/3 the delta-v of full size for -1SM and 1/10 delta-v for -2 SM tank. Note that the Delta-V increase table is only for full size tanks. Do not use larger than normal fuel tanks, instead add several fuel tank modules. Smaller fueltanks used for powerplants have less fuel 1/3 fuel for -1SM and 1/10 fuel for -2SM, cutting the use time unless being used for smaller powerplants.


(ss:18) §

Hangar Bay

(ss:18) Spaceships allready containts rules for larger hangerbays. It is fully possible to have a smaller hangar, use all the statistics of the smaller one in such case.

Jet Engine

(ss:19) A ship can mount smaller Jet engines than normal. For larger buy several modules. Small modules give 1/3G acceleration for -1SM module and use 1/3 fuel, and 1/10G aacceleration and fuel for -2SM module.

Jump gate

(ss:19) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the star drives in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass or the jumpgate is external use and only sends other ships. In external jumpgates, use the capacity of the installed module.

Mining and Refinery

(ss:19) Different size Mining and Refinery modules are normally available. Use the statistics of the module of the size you want to use.

Open space

(ss:19) This can normally be any size module.

Passenger seating

(ss:20) Smaller passenger seating is fully possible, use the capacity of the smaller SM seating. Larger passenger seating are not used, instead add several systems.

Power plants

(ss:20) Normally fully possible is smaller sizes(some technologies have a minimum size). For larger add several modules. -1SM modules give 1/3 power point each and use 1/3 the normal ammout of fuel. -2SM modules give 1/10 power point each and use 1/10 the normal ammout of fuel.


(ss:21) If you install a smaller module, it only provides fuel for corresponding size engine. For larger, just install several.

Reaction/reactionless engines

(ss:21-24) A ship can mount smaller Reaction/reactionless engines than normal. For larger buy several modules. Small modules give 1/3 acceleration for -1SM module and use 1/3 fuel for the types that use such and 1/10 acceleration and fuel for -2SM module.

Reconfigurable system

(ss:24) These can equally likely be any made of size modules. For real complexity you can allow the submodules to change…

Soft-Landing System

(ss:24) Cannot be installed in wrong size.

Solar Panel Array

(ss:25) Normally fully possible is smaller sizes. For larger add several modules. -1SM modules give 1/3 power point each. -2SM modules give 1/10 power point each. For more realistic effects of solar panels see fixes section.

Space Sails

(ss:25) A ship can mount smaller Space sails than normal. For larger buy several modules, but see fixes section on the maximum numbers. Small space sails give 1/3 thrust for -1SM module and 1/10 thrust for -2SM module

Stardrive engine

(ss:25) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the star drives in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass.

Stasis web

(ss:26) Not normally possible in smaller or larger sizes, unless all the stasis webs in the setting are smaller or larger than 1/20 of ship mass.

Upper stage

(ss:26) The only alternative upper stage that makes sense is a -2 SM upper stage that just uses the first two 2 module slots from the front section.


(ss:26-29) §

system_size.1250544897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/08/17 14:34 by weby

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