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Official Ultratech errata

Unofficial Ultratech errata/errors

Ammo weight/capcity

Ammunitions weights for 10mm guns: 10mm CLP is listed as 0.014lbs which is 98 grains a modern day 10mm round has 155-200gr for the bullet alone. In addition to that there is some weight for the propellant.

A Weight Per Shot of between .025 and .03 allows for a medium {150 grain} or heavy {200 grain} bullet and believable propellant load.

7.5mm seems a bit too light also : 0.006lbs = 42 grains A Weight Per Shot of between 0.01lbs and 0.0125 is more realistic.

FIXME check other pistol loadings

On page(s) p.136 The description for the Storm Chaingun mentions that it uses a 100 shot belt but can use the 30 shot magazine of the storm rifle. however, on p. 137, in the table the Storm Rifle uses a 12 shot magazine and the Storm Chaingun (on p.138) uses a 60 shot belt. One or the other is in error.

Chanleys edited weights:

Adjusting magazine weight by increasing or decreasing number of shots:

Name				Weight Old	Old Shots	New Shots	Ammo Weight in magazine

Conventional and ETC Guns

Heavy Pistol, 10mmCLP		2.5/0.7		20+1(3)		37+1(3)		0.7 / (0.014 *1.35) for a standard box magazine
Holdout Pistol, 7.5mmCLP	1/0.2		18+1(3)		25+1(3)		0.2 / (0.006 *1.35) for a standard box magazine
Magnum Pistol, 15mmCLP		3/1		9+1(3)		12+1(3)		1 / (0.060 *1.35) for a standard box magazine
Medium Pistol, 7.5mmCLP		2/0.5		30+1(3)		62+1(3)		0.5 / (0.006 * 1.35)  for a standard box magazine

Machine Pistol, 10mmCLP		3/1		30+1(3)		53+1(3)		1 / (0.014 *1.35) for a standard box magazine
PDW, 5.7mmCL			4.5/1		100+1(5)	64+1(5)		1 / (0.013 *1.2) for a plastic helical
Urban Assault Weapon 
  SMG Barrel, 10mmCLP		8/1		40+1(3)		64+1(3)		1 / (0.014 *1.111) for a light box magazine
  Shotgun Barrel, 18.5mmPC	-/0.75		5+1(3i)		8+1(3i)		0.75 / (0.092 *1) for a tube

Anti-Material Rifle, 15mmCL	30/2		10(3)		9(3)		2 / (0.2 * 1.111) for a  light box magazine
Assault Carbine, 7mmCL		7/1.5		50+1(3)		50+1(3)		1.5 / (0.027 * 1.111) for a light magazine
Gatling Carbine, 5.7mmCL	10/2		200(5)		125(5)		2 - 0.05 / (0.013 * 1.2) for a light helical and a B Cell worth 19,500 shots
Hunting Rifle, 7mmCL		7/0.3		10+1(3)		10+1(3)		0.3 / (0.027 * 1.111) for a light box magazine
Payload Rifle, 25mmCL		38/10		8+1(3)		9+1(3)		10 / (1 * 1.111) for a light box magazine
Storm Carbine, 10mmCL		8/2		50+1(3)		45+1(3)		2 / (0.04 * 1.111) for a light box magazine
Storm Rifle, 10mmCLR		10/1.2		12+1(3)		18+1(3)		1.2 / (0.06 *1.111) for a light box magazine

Civilian Shotgun, 18.5mmPC	6/0.75		5+1(3)		7+1(3)		0.75 / (0.092 *1.111) for a light box magazine
CAW, 18.5mmPC			10/1.5		10+1(3)		15+1(3)		1.5 / (0.092 *1.111) for a light box magazine	
Shotgun Pistol, 18.5mmPC	4/0.7		5+1(3)		7+1(3)		0.7 / (0.092 *1.111) for a light box magazine
Underbarrel Shotgun, 18.5mmPC	1.5/0.75	5+1(3i)		8+1(3i)		0.75 / (0.092 *1) for a Tube

Underbarrel GL, 25mmPC		1.5/0.8		3(3)		3(3)		0.8 / (0.22 * 1.111) for a light box magazine
Underbarrel GL, 40mmPLB		3/2		5(5)		5(5)		2/ (0.4 *1) for preloaded barrel

Light Support Weapon, 7mmCL	15/5		200(5)		185(5)		5 / (0.027 *1) for a belt 
Storm Chaingun, 10mmCLR	        20/6	        60(5)		99(5)		6 - 0.05 / (0.06 *1) for a belt and a B cell worth 9,000 shots/15 minutes.

SplatGun, 15mmPLB		20/10		30(30)		37(30)		10 / (0.27 *1) for a preloaded barrel. or lower weight to 8.1

Mortar Box, 40mmPLB		12/8		16(20)		20(20)		8 / (0.4 * 1) for a preloaded barrel
Mortar Box, 64mmPLB		160/80		30(30)		40(30)		80 / (2 *1) for a preloaded barrel

Tank Cannon, 100mmCL		2,500/40	1(4)		1(4)		40 / (40 * 1) for no magazine.

Assault Cannon, 25mmCL		75/12		34(5)		12(5)		12 / (1 *1) for a belt. Or Increase weight to 34. I suspect gun weight is errata as well, since this appears to be a copy paste of the Heavy Chaingun.
Heavy Chaingun, 15mmCL		75/12		50(5)		58(5)		12 - 0.5 / (0.2 *1) for a belt and C cell worth 10,800 shots/15 minutes
Minigun, 7mmCL			33/10		400(5)		352(5)		10 - 0.5 / (0.027 *1) for a belt and a C cell worth 90,000 shots/15 minutes

Gas-Powered Air Gun Table

Needler, 3mmN			1/0.3		100(3)		54(3)		0.3 / (0.005 * 1.111) for a light box magazine
Paint Pistol, 15mm		1/0.5		20+1(3i)	20+1(3i)	0.5 / 0.025 * 1) for a tube.
Tangler Pistol, 25mmT		2/0.5		4+1(3i)		4+1(3i)		0.5 / (0.12 *1) for a tube.
Wrist Needler, 3mmN		0.1/0.03	25(3)		5(3)		0.03 / (0.005 * 1.111) for a light box magazine. If like the other "mini" weapons, the decimal place got slipped, than weight should be 1/0.3, and shots go to 54(3).
Ice Gun, 3mm ice		1/0.3		20(3)		12(3)		Technically, a cup of water is 0.5, this adjusts shots to 0.3. Also note that ammo weight should b 0.8 to account for the 0.5 lbs of C cell. If you want a cup of water AND the C cell, make ammo weight 1.

Needle Rifle, 3mmN		5/1		100(3)		180(3)		1 / (0.005 * 1.111) for a light box magazine
Paint Carbine, 15mm		4/1		50+1(3i)	40+1(3i)	1 / (0.025 * 1) for a tube.
Tangler, 25mmT			5/1		8+1(3i)		8+1(3i)		1 / (0.12 *1) for a tube.
Partisan Needler, 3mmN		12/1		140(3)		180(3)		1 / (0.005 * 1.111) for a light box magazine. Note, may actually be 140 if the mini fac is in the magazine.

Electromagnetic Gun Table

Electromag Mortar, 64mm		50/10		4(5)		4(5)		10 / (2 * 1.2) for a light helical or light drum. Technically, ammo weight should be 15 lbs, to account for the 5 lbs of D cell.

Gauss Minineedler, 3mm		0.1/0.03	25(3)		7(3)		0.03 / (0.004 * 1.111) for a light box magazine. Note, suspect slipped decimal place for both gun and ammo weight, increasing shots to 56(3), and weight to 1/0.3, accounting for 0.05 lbs of B cell (which alone is heavier than the 0.03 original weight!).
Gauss Pistol, 4mm		2/0.5		40(3)		60(3)		0.5 - 0.1 / (0.006 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and 2 B cells (NOT a C cell!, so the Notes column has Errata too, is should be a [2] not a [3])

Gauss Machine Pistol, 4mm	3/0.5		40(3)		60(3)		0.5 - 0.1 / (0.006 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and 2 B cells. 
Gauss Needler, 3mm		1.5/0.5		100(3)		101(3)		0.5 - 0.05 / (0.004 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and 1 B cell (Notes column errata: should be a [1] not a [2])
Gauss PDW, 4mm			4.6/1		80(3)		75(3)		1 -0.5 / (0.006 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a C cell

Sniper Railgun, 7mm		20/1.4		30(3)		52(3)		1.4 / (0.024 * 1.111) for a light box magazine. Technically, ammo weight should be 6.4 to include the D cell.
Gauss Needle Rifle, 3mm		6/1		100(3)		112(3)		1 - 0.5 / (0.004 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a C cell.
Gauss Rifle, 4mm		8.5/1.4		60(3)		135(3)		1.4 - 0.5 / (0.006 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a C cell.
Portable Railgun, 10mmG		20/1.5		25(3)		11(3)		1.5 - 0.5 / (0.08 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a C cell. Wouldnt surprise me if this was meant to be powered by a D cell, like the sniper rifle. Weight is then 20/5.5, shots are then 17(3).

Gauss CAW, 18.5mm		10/1.5		30(3)		24(3)		1.5 - 0.5 / (0.037 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a C cell.
Gauss Shotgun Pistol, 18.5mm	3/0.5		10(3)		12(3)		0.5 / (0.037 * 1.111) for a light box magazine. Technically ammo weight should be 1 lbs to include a C cell.

EMGL, 40mmG			10/3		3(5)		6(5)		3 - 0.5 / (0.33 *1.2) for a plastic helical/drum and a C cell.
Underbarrel EMGL, 25mmG	       2/1 		3(3)		5(3)		1 - 0.5 / (0.09 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a C cell.

Gauss LSW, 4mm			20/7		300(5)		902(5)		7 - 0.5 / (0.006 *1.2) for a plastic drum and a C Cell. OR set shots to 277(5) for a plastic drum and a D cell. Errata notes column, should be a [4] not a [3] if that is done. Also ROF should be 50, not 20, to match descriptions 3,000 rounds per minute.

Auto EMGL, 40mmG		64/10		20(5)		15(5)		10 - 5 / (0.33 * 1) for a belt feed and a D cell.
Railgun, 40mm			4,000/150p	200(5)		25(5)		150 / (6 * 1) for a belt and external power.
Gauss HMG, 7mm			64/20		200(5)		520(5)		20 - 5 / (0.024* 1.2) for a plastic helical/drum and a D cell. Note: The description of the gun is either in error (there is no 4,000 round cassette) or the weight for the ammo needs to change: 155lbs for 4,000 rounds in a plastic drum and 8 D cells to power it.
Gauss Minigun, 4mm		64/20		1000(5)		2083(5)		20 - 5 / (0.006 *1.2) for a plastic drum and a D cell. Note: Gun and ammo weight are probably copy/paste errors from the HMG, this one should be sent to Dave for double checking. Also ROF should be 166, not 100, to match the descriptive text saying it can fire 10,000 rounds per minute.

Grav Guns

Grav Minineedler		0.1/0.03	100(3)		27(3)		0.03 / (0.001 * 1.111) for a light box magazine, however, like the Gauss Minineedler, I suspect a decimal place was slipped for both gun and ammo weight, making shots 180(3) for a light box magazine and 2 B Cells.

Grav Needler			1.5/0.5		500(3)		405(3)		0.5 - 0.05 / (0.001 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a B cell. The description pretty much has to be in error, as a C cell alone weighs 0.5lbs.

Grav Needle Rifle		6/1		1000(3)		450(3)		1 - 0.5 / (0.001 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a C cell.
Sniper Grav Gun			10/1		1000(3)		450(3)		1 - 0.5 / (0.001 * 1.111) for a light box magazine and a C cell. If it really is supposed to be 2 C cells (which weigh 1 lbs by themselves) ammo weight needs to change to 1.5. Shots stay at 450(3).

Heavy Grav Needler		20/4		4000(5)		3,600(5) 	4 / (0.001 * 1.111) for a plastic drum. Ammo weight needs to change to 9 to add in the weight of a D cell. 

Gravitic Railgun		1000/10Fp	2000(5)		33(5)		10 / (0.3 * 1 ) for a belt and external power. Ammo weight for 2000 shots on a belt is 600lbs.

Gyroc Launchers

Gyroc Carbine, 15mm		4/1		10(3)		9(3)		1 / (0.1 * 1.111) for a light box magazine.
Gyroc Launch Pistol, 15mm	2/0.7		6(3)		6(3)		1 / (0.1 * 1.111) for a light box magazine.
Gyroc LSW, 15mm	                12/3		30(5)		25(5)		3 - 0.05 / (0.1 *1.2) for a plastic helical drum and a B cell.
Gyroc Pistol, 15mm		1/0.4		4(3i)		4(3i)		0.4 / 0.1 * 1 for revolver.
Holdout Gyroc, 15mm		0.25/0.1	1(3i)		1(3i)		0.1 / 0.1 * 1 for breach loader.
Underbarrel Gyroc, 15mm		1.5/0.7		6(3)		6(3)

On page 141 the description for the machineguns do not fit the weapons and the entries on table on page 143

Clear error:

“Gauss Heavy Machine Gun (HMG), 7mm (TL10): This tripod-mounted 4mm machine gun fires the same round as the Gauss rifle from a 4,000-round ammo cassette.” Atleast: -The entry on the table lists 200 shots -the description talks of 4mm and name 7mm. -The gaus rifle fires 4mm ammo

Bit strange: Under: Gauss Minigun, 4mm (TL9): “It is used as a heavy machine gun and point-defense weapon.”

Why would a 4mm weapon be used as heavy machinegun? Does that text belong under then 7mm?

So are those two entries somehow mixed up partly?

Page 137

The Magnum pistol is listed with a Bulk of -2, while the Heavy Pistol is listed with a Bulk of -3. The description of the Magnum pistol on page 135 declares that it's “size makes it hard to conceal,” but its listed Bulk makes it no larger than the medium pistol. I suspect this is an error, and these bulk values are reversed. Optionally, the Magnum pistol's description requires errata (as the errata states that the Heavy Pistol is bulk -2, but says nothing that I can find about the magnum pistol)

p. 138 Underbarrel shotgun listed as 4d+; should probably be 4d+4 LSW listed as ST 9; without bipod should be 13 Storm chaingun listed as ST 9; without bipod should be 16

Page 115-116: The Gatling Laser has a RoF of 4, while it is described as a “rapid firing” weapon. Compared to the Semi-portable Laser, this seems fine, but the description might be deceptive?

p. 120 under Microwave Area Denial: “Due to the need for a large antenna to focus the beam, the projectors are vehicle or tripod-mounted.”

Yet the Portable MAD has ST: 10† making it a rifle.

Also the MAD Weapons Table on page 120 has some strangeness with the power cells.

According to the table both weapons use a Dp but the smaller one gets less power(penalty to HT roll), way less area, less range and less shots from it.

p. 137 In the Conventional Small Arms Table

The Bulk -2 for the 15mmCLP Magnum Pistol appears rather low given that the TL8 equivalent to this gun has Bulk -4.

The Hunting Rifle should not have the same Acc as a short carbine. It should probably have Acc 5.

The Storm Carbine and the Storm Rifle both fire a 10mm bullet. Yet the Storm Carbine is errataed at damage type pi+ but the Storm Rifle continues to do its incorrect pi++ damage. If the Storm Rifle is supposed to be some sort of uberweapon which gets a damage type upgrade from a faster round, this should be noted. And applied to some of the Gauss weapons, probably. I lean toward the view that this is an error that the errate coordinator hasn't caught yet, despite many notifications. This is supported by the fact that the Storm Chaingun also does pi+ and not pi++.

The same Bulk for the Storm Carbine and Storm Rifle appears odd. Surely a longer barrel like that should qualify for an increase in Bulk? Might be below the resolution level, but it seems uncessary to have the most powerful battle rifle of the day be as handy as a modern M16.

p. 138

The Underbarrel Shotgun is listed as doing 4d+ pi++ damage. This should either be 4d pi++ damage or 4d+4 pi++. Based on other similar weapons, it should probably be the latter.

The Light Support Weapon is Acc 4 while similar weapons of TL8 are Acc 5. It is possible that the short barrel length of the LSW is responsible for the poorer accuracy, but if the weapon is a cut-down version of a more effective weapon for the same tactical role, that should probably be noted in the text.

Under Gunner (Cannon), two weapons are inaccurate compared to similar TL6, TL7 or TL8 weapons.

The Assault Cannon at Acc 4 is much less accurate than the Oerlikon Typ S or KPV at Acc 6 and even less accurate than Molot NSV-12.7 (a weapon that's lighter, just as bulky, has longer 1/2D range, does more damage, costs less and fires faster than the higher tech weapon).

There are fewer comparable weapons to the 7mm Minigun, but Acc 4 nevertheless appears strange for the intended tactical role. All published miniguns are Acc 5 or higher.

p. 142 In the Electrothermal Gun Table, there are still many errors and strange calls.

The Gauss Pistol is listed as being powered by a C cell, which is good for 40 shots. The Gauss Machine Pistol, however, can fire those same 40 shots at the same velocity by using only two B cells. Either one is listed with an incorrect type of cell and judging from other weapons, it's probably the Gauss Pistol, which should use 2B cells.

The Sniper Railgun is 7mm, but it uses the same armour-piercing/dart ammunition as the other Gauss weapons. Shouldn't it do pi- damage?

The Gauss Rifle has the same Acc as the purpose built sniper weapon in its class. Isn't that weird? I'd think Acc 6 or Acc 5 would be more appropriate.

The Portable Railgun is 10mm and thus fully qualifies for the pi+ damage, but given that the Gauss weapons have been stated by Pulver to use projectiles with a high enough SD to suffer a penalty on damage type, shouldn't that penalty reduce it down to pi again?

The Underbarrel EMGL should not have built-in optics. It uses the optics of whatever gun it's attached to. Hence, Acc should be 4, without the +2.

Might also want to look at compatibility with High-Tech and the weight, ST and Rcl values and such of similar weaons there. Many weapons look odd compared to their lower tech cousins and while materials might help with weight, Newton is unlikely to revoke his laws completely and allow the Gauss Shotgun Pistol unchanged stats.

pp. 137-138…

Should the 15 mm. anti-material rifle and 15 mm. chain gun do pi+ or pi++ damage? It's listed as pi+, but shouldn't it be pi++?

The surveillance worm (p105)

It is listed as 2“ by .1” and 2 lbs. This is way too heavy for its intended purpose and nonsensically dense. Based on the Size Modifier rules, there are three possible resolutions:

  • The worm is 2' by 0.1'. The notation meant feet, not inches. (A Nigel Tufnel typo…).
  • The worm's dimensions are correct, but the weight should be 0.002 lbs (or neg.), not 2 lbs. This is consistent with the SM table.
  • The worm's dimensions are correct, but the weight should be .01 lbs, not 2 lbs. This is consistent with the similarly-sized robobug later in the chapter.

Cg platform

Has an occ of 1+1 but a load of only .1 and too low ST/HP.

FIXME check the others.


Is listed as TL 12 only, but has a TL 11 lens.

Helmet stats

Something wrong with helmet stats For example tl 9:
Combat Infantry Helmet dr: 18/12 $2,000 5lb
Space Combat Helmet dr: 40/30 $3,000 7lb
Visored Space Helmet dr: 20/15 $2,000 4lb

The Combat Infantry Helmet is less protective than the visored space helmet, costs the same and weights more..

Also why is the Combat Infantry Helmet less protective than the Space Combat Helmet when the two armors that they are made for Combat Hardsuit and Space Armor have the same DR?

Both problems are for all TLs

For the sealed Ultra-tech helmets: add Immunity to Nose and Eye Irritants to make it consistent to with High-Tech

Missile prices

Why is the Hunter Missile on p 168 only $500 at tl 10 when the corresponding normal missiles are $100 not homing $400 for IR homing AND $1000 for the multsipectar and multiscanner homing ones.

Also the 100mm homing missiles($4000) are more expensive than the 100mm smart missile($3400) at TL 10.

Should not the homing missiles homing systems get at minimum the same reduction in price as the smart missiles get?

Why is the 15mm micromissile on page 145 $50 when the standard gyroc round is $5 and infrared homing is available for 15mm or smaller at TL9 for *4 price.

It should likely be easier, nor harder, to add homing to a weapon that is described as having allready stabilisaing systems than it is to a normal bullet. Further the launching shock should be less allowing for less robust mechanism.

p. 146, multiscanner homing: “ultrascanner (p.146)” should be “ultrascanner (p. 66)”

Warhead strangeness

on page 154 under Shaped Charge:

“Grenades and satchel charges use the damage listed below, and must be placed on the target rather than thrown.”

There are many historical heat grenades that are thrown, so I do not expect that people could not do such anymore in future.. For example see RPG-43 in HT page 192

The same goes likely for Hemp on page 155 “Grenades and satchel charges with HEMP warheads must be placed on the target rather than thrown.”

Factory production lines

Factory Production Line rules UT p.89 seem to be seriously broken down for larger items.

Take a car: cost 20 000, of this parts cost 20% 4 000, labor 6 000

One production line takes 200 hours to make a car and that is fairly well in line with the cost(30/hr), but would mean that only one person worked..

So say you sell at 60%(as the shop needs some margin too), leaving 10% as your profit. The production line would pay back itself in 4.5 years(pretty good)

But compare that to current real life car factories that use about 20-30 hours to make a car. So off by a factor of 10?

Next take a cruise ship at about 1 billion, if you built a production line to produce them, it would take more than 1000 years to produce one(at 24hr/day). (off by a factor 1000-3000?). Again breakdown: 1 000 million total, 200 million parts, 300 million labor. So at 1000 years : they have only ONE person working on the ship!

I first noted it when I tried to make production lines to make starhips.. for a stellar economy where there are a lot of small ships in use, so would make it seem natural they would come from a production line instead of being built one by one:

Take a Kiev Class Farhauler: (from Spaceships 2 p.6) at 139.7 million, a production line would be 2794 Million and would produce 1 ship in 160 years.

Thus the buyers would have a fairly large wait time(160yr) and also the time until the investors get their investment back would be fairly long(32000 years at the 10% rate)

Looking at the rules there is allready a “fix” for small items, so it seems to me there should be one for larger items too, where basically multiple people work on same thing… not cutting down on the cost, but cutting down the realtime taken.

(Scaling such by buying multiple equipment just does not work as shown in the Kiev example as the payout time is still unreasonable)


Page 106 Privacy Field has a power cell requirement of “D/100W”.

Page 107 Neural Veridcator has provides two different effects: It's “highly accurate” and “gives a +TL/2 bonus to Detect Lies skill”, while a paragraph down it's “completely reliable” and gives an “automatic success on a Detect Lies roll.”

Page 108-9 Beamed Audio Sound System has no cost, weight, power cell requirements or other rules.


Vaults at TL9 seem worse than the TL5 ones in HT:

UT102: “Armored Vault (TL9). A small walk-in vault. 50 cubic feet, DR 400, 100 HP. $30,000, 2 tons. LC4”

HT203: “Bank Vault (TL5). A small walk-in vault at a branch bank. 50 cubic feet. DR 400, HP 127. $30,000, 2 tons. LC3”

Nothing is better in the UT vault. With most things the same except it has less HP.

Power cells

P. 19. Under the heading Sizes of Power Cells, the third sentence should start with “An A cell is 10 times as powerful as an AA cell”, not “An A cell is 10 times as powerful as a modern AA cell” (“modern” should be removed).

Regen and rejuv tanks

on page 201: Regeneration Tank (TL10) is priced at $500 000

Rejuvenation Tank (TL10) is priced at $300 000. Yet the rejuvenation tank does more. It can be used to reverse aging and work as Regeneration Tank. So why buy the Regeneration Tank except for the LC?

Force beam weapon/grav tools

Force Beam weapons are TL10^, while Grav Hammers, in the tools chapter, are TL11^, despite them being functionally identical and less powerful. Was this deliberate?

Missile speeds and ranges

Strangeness with the speeds and ranges of missiles

p 168

Hunter Missile has Enhanced Move 2 (Air speed 480); Flight (Cannot Hover; Limited Use, Fast Reload, 1 minute; Air Move 120);

That produces approximately the 1000 mph speed indicated and the range of 16 miles.

Striker Missile has upgrade to Enhanced Move 3 (Air speed 480), but 3 doublings of 120 is 960. 960 would also produce the appropriate speed of 2000mph and 32 mile range.

Floater Missile is listed as being similar to strike missile but is really 64mm and so on, making it vey much like floater missile instead.

it also has a listed 320 mile range and yet only : Enhanced Move 2 (Air speed 480); Flight (Limited Use, Fast Reload, 10 minutes; Air Move 120); providing 1000miles/hour and 1/6 of an hour duration thus 160 miles.

Two possible fixes:

  • The striker missile similarity comment means that the missile should move at 2000mph and thus have Enhanced Move 3 (Air speed 960)
  • The duration should be increased to 20 minutes.


Is listed as being 4*200 lb modules and having two 100lb payloads and a pilot station, yet is listed a loaded weight 0.5 an payload 0.15 and 1+1P.

If the occ is meant to be 1P the calculated values from the parts would give 0.4 empty weight and 0.2 load for a loaded weight of 0.6.

If the 1+1P is correct then the calculated values from the parts would give 0.4 empty weight and 0.3 load for a loaded weight of 0.7.

ultratech_errata.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/09 13:29 by weby

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